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Available in lots of 25 10-24″ bare root seedlings.

Rhus trilobata Nutt. – Skunkbush Sumac

Rhus glabra L. – Smooth Sumac [Out of Stock]

Size: Skunkbush – 1.5-8ft | Smooth – 10-15ft | Staghorn – 15-30ft

Drought Resistance: Excellent

Cold Hardiness: Excellent

Growth Rate: Fast

Life Span: 20-30

Wildlife Value: The fruit provides a natural food source for birds and small mammals.  Not a preferred food source for rabbits or deer, but may be browsed by them.

Misc.: Sumac is related to cashews and mangoes. Both varieties produce edible berries, though they are most commonly used to make tea or “Sumac-ade”.

Refer to the NRCS Fact Sheets for Skunkbush and Smooth sumac for more information.

Please note that this store is intended only for use by members of the Weston County Natural Resource District.

If you are not a district member, you DO NOT qualify for in-district prices, so please do not make your purchases online. Instead, contact the district by phone or email to make your purchase; we can take your order, send you an invoice, and accept payment by cash, check, or PayPal.  If you’re not sure if you are a district member, please contact us before placing an order. If you are not a district member and place an order online, your order will be canceled and we will attempt to issue a refund through WooCommerce. We cannot guarantee a full refund.  

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Skunkbush, Smooth, Staghorn


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