Rain Barrel Art Auction
In 2024, we held the first Rain Barrel Art Auction during the Weston County Arts Council First Annual Chokecherry Festival. Eight 55-gallon barrels were painted by local volunteer artists and displayed at local businesses. The auction raised around $1400. These funds will go towards creating a StoryWalk® program for park and trails in Weston County. Visit our StoryWalk® page for more information about the program.
We will hold another Rain Barrel Art event in 2025. Check back in December for a timeline, artist application, and more!
2024 Volunteer Artists
Sharon Groskopf
Casimir Blumenthal
Bailey Perkins
Cadence Larson
Aaron Kibben
Grace Sandrini and Suzanne Ackerman
Tavis and Nicole Whitcher
Jen Womack/Sagebrush Market

Barrel Hosts
Ace Hardware
Sagebrush Market
A-1 Agency
Something Healthy
W.C. Sport and Western Wear
WyoDak Real Estate
Farmer’s Insurance – Michael Freeman Agency
First Northern Bank
Edward Jones
Woody’s Food Center
Decker’s Market
Joe’s Food Center
and more…