2024 Rain Barrel Art Auction

The 2024 Rain Barrel Art Auction will be held during the Weston County Arts Council Chokecherry Festival.  The festival will be held in downtown Newcastle on Friday, August 16th, 2024, from 5-9 p.m.  The silent auction for the painted rain barrels will run from 6-7:30 p.m.  

The funds raised at the auction will go towards creating a StoryWalk® program for park and trails in Weston County.  Visit our StoryWalk® page for more information about the program.  Artists, art auction sponsors, and winning bidders will be recognized as sponsors on the StoryWalk® displays.

Look for the painted barrels on display businesses around Weston County August 1st-16th. Check our Facebook page for the most up-to-date barrel locations.

You can also donate to the StoryWalk® program by dropping a donation in the barrels.

2024 Volunteer Artists

Sharon Groskopf

Casimir Blumenthal

Bailey Perkins

Cadence Larson

Aaron Kibben

Grace Sandrini and Suzanne Ackerman

Tavis and Nicole Whitcher

Jen Womack/Sagebrush Market


Barrel Hosts

Ace Hardware

Sagebrush Market

A-1 Agency


Something Healthy

W.C. Sport and Western Wear

WyoDak Real Estate

Farmer’s Insurance – Michael Freeman Agency

First Northern Bank


Edward Jones

Woody’s Food Center

Decker’s Market

Joe’s Food Center

and more…